installation projects

2020 Yesterday is Here is a site specific installation at the Mass Art Art Museum that will be on view until 2022 made from over 30 years of artist's catalogues destined for the landfill.

2020 Yesterday is Here is a site specific installation at the Mass Art Art Museum that will be on view until 2022 made from over 30 years of artist's catalogues destined for the landfill.

2017 used casino carpet and discarded played casino playing cards on panel installation at CES Gallery Los Angeles

2017 used casino carpet and discarded played casino playing cards on panel installation at CES Gallery Los Angeles

Fair Housing Project: When the Smoke Clears 2016 Discarded art fair ephemera (shipping crates, carpet, pedestals, wall vinyl, swag bags, packing foam, banner, and hardware) collected from Art Basel Miami, The Armory Show, Frieze New York and London, ADAA, and Spring Break installation at Smack Mellon, Brooklyn, NY

Fair Housing Project: When the Smoke Clears 2016 Discarded art fair ephemera (shipping crates, carpet, pedestals, wall vinyl, swag bags, packing foam, banner, and hardware) collected from Art Basel Miami, The Armory Show, Frieze New York and London, ADAA, and Spring Break installation at Smack Mellon, Brooklyn, NY

2014 Discarded art fair/trade fair ephemera (carpet, crates, tape, pegboard, pedestal, and vitrine) collected from Art Basel Miami, The Armory Show, Frieze New York and London, PULSE NY and Miami, ADAA, and The Gift Show NY. installation was at Pulse art fair Miami

2015 used casino carpet and discarded played casino playing cards on panel installation at Binghamton University

2013 discarded used playing cards from over 100 casinos, wood, florescent lighting, mirror and audio made from mixing down 52 songs about gambling (audio in collaboration with DJ Noland Gray). Installation in the Victor Horta House/ Paris Beijing Gallery, Brussels

2013 discarded used playing cards from over 100 casinos, wood, florescent lighting, mirror and audio made from mixing down 52 songs about gambling (audio in collaboration with DJ Noland Gray). Installation in the Victor Horta House/ Paris Beijing Gallery, Brussels

2011 Discarded lottery tickets, wood, plexiglass, mirror, office lighting, and audio (audio in collaboration with Superspirit)

2010 discarded used lottery tickets, wood, mirror, audio (Getting Closer to Your Goals was built between two galleries so you had to pass through the sculpture to see the other half of the exhibition)

2010 discarded used lottery tickets, wood, mirror, audio (Getting Closer to Your Goals was built between two galleries so you had to pass through the sculpture to see the other half of the exhibition)

2010 discarded lottery tickets, romance novel covers, wood, mirrors, sandbag and used chandelier parts

2010 discarded lottery tickets, romance novel covers, wood, mirrors, sandbag and used chandelier parts

2009 $70,000 of used discarded lottery tickets, cardboard, foam, wood, chandelier parts, and mirror

2009 As a painting in the Dream Home, The Pence We Keep is a copy of Hans Holbein the Youngers "Lady with Squirrel and Starling" which in a painting that was purchased for the National Gallery in the UK using Lottery ticket sales proceeds

2009 As part of the Dream Home, Set for Life is our cutlery set made of the finest silver edged lottery tickets

2011 Site-specific installation in the Oritorio of Santa Maria della Vita, a church in Bologna, Italy, using discarded lottery tickets, 32 wood panels, and casino change cups.

2008 $25,000 worth of discarded lottery tickets, steel, wood, foam, fabric, paper, speakers, and 4 1/2" pneumatic wheels (audio made from sampling casino slot machines and mixed down to sound like the Musak that one hears at an inclusive resort)

2008 $25,000 worth of discarded lottery tickets, steel, wood, foam, fabric, paper, speakers, and 4 1/2" pneumatic wheels (audio made from sampling casino slot machines and mixed down to sound like the Musak that one hears at an inclusive resort)

2010 used Chinese and American lottery tickets and remote control boat (the boat was brought to sites around Beijing, both historic, and part of the nouveau riche)

2010 used Chinese and American lottery tickets and remote control boat (the boat was brought to sites around Beijing, both historic, and part of the nouveau riche)

2009 used discarded lottery tickets and remote control boat (the boat was brought to sites around Miami during the art fair, dropped in pools and the ocean, then photographed so one could see the disparity of the posh hotels and the boarded buildings just beyond)

discarded used Chinese and US lottery tickets, wood and Plexiglas

2008 $39,000 (the cost of a new H# in 2008) worth of discarded lottery tickets, cardboard, wood, cast plastic, and steel